Monday, April 4, 2016


I own nike and I believe that their logo is very simple and well made. Since its simple I believe that that it is a good example of less is more.

I like how the owl looks. Also how the owl is clipping onto the key.

The way they made the bag look smart.

The way the utensils are incorporated into the fish body. The fish also shows
The clip is made into a heart. Also this is very simply made which causes it to be way more enticing.

The word turn can be read either way. Also as many of the other logos were written this one is of simplistic means.

Monday, March 21, 2016

Project Reflection

1. I believe that my stance is not very clear and could have been a lot more clearer if I made it a actually type of logo or poster.

2. I feel like my hand drawing was a bit better since electronically was a bit more complicated.

3. My first version was way different then my last version. I changed basically the whole plot and and made it look completely different.

4. I feel like my posters idea is good yet I believe that it could be better. Such as the fact that it could have been more clear what the idea is, even though it wasn't portrayed well enough.

5. I believe that it was very challenging to just find an idea that would work.

6. I was not very good at making lines straight which made it very difficult.

Wednesday, January 13, 2016


Steroids have been heavily affecting the world of sports as to this day. Many athletes have been altered significantly and led to make themselves increasingly better then all other athletes in their sport. Its very unfair and dangerous to take these drugs since they lead to make people have many mental and physical problems. People shouldn't take these drugs since they mask how viewers really view the players playing the game and leads people to believe these athletes are as good as the play.
People like this man will have many problems leading in their future.

Tuesday, December 22, 2015


Dunking Myself

1. My self symbol concept is about how overconfidence results in missing your goal. I arrived to this idea because I also thought about how it would feel if I dunked my self in a basketball hoop so I made this. i believe this enhances my concept because it shows how overconfidence can affect you.

2. I believe that my concept evolved in which this GIF really represents what exactly overconfidence can do.

Tuesday, November 24, 2015

Temple of Gains

Lucas Beltramino Band 2 Reflection

1. The point of my project is to show a few fairly ripped guys involved in front of a Buddha temple. since usually a temple of this religion would be surrounded by people of peace so when you see a temple surrounded by people who are obviously self absorbed and are not of peaceful insights.

2. My title of the my project is "Temple of Gains" .

3. I am happy with the results in which they really showed and represented what I wanted out of this project. Such as the fact that it was a funny idea that really represents more then meets the eye.

- I first found and took the picture of me flexing
- Then I took my background and put it in front of my Buddha temple.
- Then I found multiple other picture and placed on the temple as well.
- I continued to work and changed the filter making it have a type
of grainy background.

Sunday, September 27, 2015

How was my summer?

INTRO: Who am I?

My name is Lucas Beltramino and I like to play many types of sports. I am part of the Varsity basketball team at our school, and have been since 9th grade. When i'm not playing sports I like to hang out with my friends. 

This photo was when me and my friends went to see the move Fast and Furious 7. It was really fun and we took this picture . I wanted to show this picture because it was in the beginning of the summer and was a lot of fun.

This was  a picture that my friend took when we went to the park. We were modeling and it was very fun. I showed this due to the fact that I look very good in it.

This was when I went to a party with my squad. It was really fun so I wanted to show this so you could see that i was getting lit in the summer.

Monday, September 21, 2015

Mutant Mass: Is that the Whey to go?

When eating mutant mass its good to take more then the maxium amount of mutant mass.